2 Mark's& Lecture Notes for Signals & Systems(ECE-JNTUA,R15)


Course objectives:
  • To study about signals and systems.
  • To do analysis of signals & systems (continuous and discrete) using time domain & frequency domain methods.
  • To understand the stability of systems through the concept of ROC.
  • To know various transform techniques in the analysis of signals and systems.

Learning Outcomes:
  • For integro-differential equations, the students will have the knowledge to make use of Laplace transforms.
  • For continuous time signals the students will make use of Fourier transform and Fourier series.
  • For discrete time signals the students will make use of Z transforms.
  • The concept of convolution is useful for analysis in the areas of linear systems and communication theory.

SIGNALS & SYSTEMS: Definition and classification ofSignal and Systems (Continuous time and Discrete time),Elementary signals such as Dirac delta, unit step, ramp, sinusoidal and exponential and operations on signals.Analogy between vectors and signals-orthogonality-Mean Square error-Fourier series: Trigonometric & Exponential and concept of discrete spectrum

CONTINUOUS TIME FOURIER TRANSFORM: Definition, Computation and properties ofFourier Transform for different types of signals. Statement and proof of sampling theorem of low pass signals

SIGNAL TRANSMISSION THROUGH LINEAR SYSTEMS: Linear system, impulse response, Response of a linear system, linear time-invariant (LTI) system, linear time variant (LTV) system, Transfer function of a LTI system. Filter characteristics of linear systems. Distortion less transmission through a system, Signal bandwidth, system bandwidth, Ideal LPF, HPF and BPF characteristics, Causality and Poly-Wiener criterion for physical realization, Relationship between bandwidth and rise time. Energy and Power Spectral Densities

DISCRETE TIME FOURIER TRANSFORM: Definition, Computation and properties ofFourier Transform for different types of signals. 

LAPLACE TRANSFORM: Definition-ROC-Properties-Inverse Laplace transforms-the S-plane and BIBO stability-Transfer functions-System Response to standard signals-Solution of differential equations with initial conditions.
The Z–TRANSFORM: Derivation and definition-ROC-Properties-Linearity, time shifting, change of scale, Z-domain differentiation, differencing, accumulation, convolution in discrete time, initial and final value theorems-Poles and Zeros in Z -plane-The inverse Z-Transform-System analysis-Transfer function-BIBO stability-System Response to standard signals-Solution of difference equations with initial conditions.

Study Material's For Signals & Systems
2 Mark's for 5 Units: Download
Lecture Notes for 5 Units(Suggested): Download
Text Book- Linear Systems & Signals: Download

Unit Wise
Continuous-Time Fourier Transform: Download
Signal Transmission Through Linear Systems: Download
Discrete Time Fourier Transform: Download
Laplace Transform Formulae's: Download
Laplace Transform Properties: Download
Z-Transform Properties: Download
Z-Transform Formulae's: Download
