9 Simple Tips On How To Improve Your Mood

It's normal to feel down in the dumps sometimes. We've all been there! It's a natural part of life, but it pays to learn how to improve mood and sadness. Otherwise, mental stress can take a toll on the brain and body.Be kind to yourself by practicing self-care. Of course, this will be different for everyone. But thanks to these nine simple mood-boosters, you can start feeling better.

9 Simple Ways To Uplift Your Mood

1. Go Outside

  • The great outdoors is nature's best remedy.
  • Sunshine can treat your body to vitamin D, a nutrient that's linked to good mood and less depression. It's thought to help the nerves in the brain function properly. 
  • A quick walk around the block might be all you need. Eating breakfast and reading outside are other relaxing ways to get some fresh air.

2. Move Around

When it comes to mood boosters, you can't go wrong with physical activity. It'll help your brain make more endorphins, the feel-good" chemicals that improve mood. And since exercise encourages oxygen circulation, your brain function will flourish.
This means , take a Zumba or dance class to melt away the blues. Even a few jumping jacks and push-ups can make a difference.

3. Do Yoga

If you want a mood boost and natural stress and anxiety relief, try yoga. This activity stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which boosts levels of gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA). This brain chemical is related to mood. So the more GABA you have, the better you'll feel.4
A light and easy practice will work wonders. But if you need a quick fix, stretch for 5 to 10 minutes. Make sure the room is free of distractions and phone calls.

4. Call A Friend

Having a good laugh with a loved one can brighten your day. After all, connecting with others is big part of mental health. So take time to catch up with friends or relatives.
Better yet, meet up for coffee or lunch. By nurturing your support system, your mood will have a better chance of staying up.

5. Do Something You Love

Making time for your favorite hobby is always worth it. Doing so has been linked to great psychological health, making room for uplifting moods. Even life satisfaction and physical activity increase with leisurely hobbies.
Remember, you don't need to be a pro at something. The point is to do it for fun, not perfection. And thanks to the Internet, it's so easy to learn new hobbies.

6. Take A Bath

If you're wondering how to get out of a depressed mood fast, just fill up the tub. A warm, relaxing bath maybe just what you need after a stressful day. It's also a lovely way to practice self-care.
For a bigger mood boost, add five drops each of lavender and rosemary essential oil. These double as soothing . The aromas will rejuvenate you in the best way

7. Write In A Journal

A journal is like a cheap form of therapy. It gives you the chance to release your thoughts, a key factor in relieving stress. You'll also be able to practice gratitude and recognize what makes you happy.8
You don't need a fancy pen and paper - any notebook will do. Try to write in it everyday, but know that it's a judgment-free zone. The goal is to take the weight off your shoulders.

8. Snack On Almonds

Eating almonds is a great way to fuel up on omega-9, or oleic acid. This and a better mood. It's also linked to physical activity, which can kick sad feelings to the curb.9
To enjoy almonds, eat them in a trail mix or by themselves. You even toss them in salads, yogurt, or cereal.

9. Eat Saffron

The vibrant color of saffron is enough to make anyone smile. But eating it has its perks, too. This spice relieves depressive symptoms, helping boost your mood and happiness. In fact, it may work just as well as prescribed anti-depressants.10
Saffron is available as a loose spice, pill, and tea. It pairs especially well with cinnamon.
Think about what makes you happy. It doesn't matter how silly or simple it seems! If it makes you feel good, keep it on your list of things to do when you're feeling low.
